(Effective 1.07.2020)
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Clients seen at the Mereweather Consulting Suites will be charged at $150.00 per session for a duration of 55 minutes. (Medicare will refund $87.45 per consultation with a current Mental Health Care Plan)
Students seen on campus at any of the outreach locations** are entitled to a fully bulk billed service with a Mental Health Care Plan issued by their General Practitioner.
**Outreach Locations:
Patterson River Secondary College
Elisabeth Murdoch Secondary College
All consultations for supervision sessions are charged at $150.00 per hour. Report reading and writing, review of case studies, initial and prospective meetings and requests for off-site observed practise at additional cost.
Group Supervision and Training
All external supervision and training is tailored to the needs of the individual or organisation. As such, please feel free to make contact to discuss your needs, so that a quotation can be offered.
Consulting Suites Cancellation Policy.
We understand that sometimes appointments need to be cancelled or rescheduled. 24 hours notice is required to ensure your appointment time can be offered to other clients.
Non Attendance Fee
If a non-attendance occurs, the client will be issued an invoice for the full amount of the consultation and a subsequent session cannot be offered until this fee is settled. (Please note that this fee is exclusive of Medicare and Private Health Insurance rebates).
Inadequate Notice Fee
If notice is given, but is less than 24 hours (by the close of business the previous day) a rescheduling fee may be charged as the appointment will not be filled by another client given time constraints.
Appropriate Notice
With appropriate notice, there is no cancellation/rescheduling fee.